Results found for tax rate | Eastern North Carolina Now

53 Results found for tax rate

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Senate leaders used a Tuesday press conference to announce their long-awaited tax proposal, a proposal that would lower personal and corporate income tax...
Senate leaders used a Tuesday press conference to announce their long-awaited tax proposal, a proposal that would lower personal and corporate income tax...
The Tax Foundation last week unveiled its latest installment of its annual State Business Tax Climate Index for 2012. Unsurprisingly, North Carolina remained far down the list, coming in a dismal 44 – making our state the 7th worst in the nation.
The Tax Foundation last week unveiled its latest installment of its annual State Business Tax Climate Index for 2012. Unsurprisingly, North Carolina remained far down the list, coming in a dismal 44 – making our state the 7th worst in the nation.
Dr. Arthur Laffer, former economic advisor to President Reagan and commonly referred to as the father of supply-side economics sits down with Civitas to discuss how cuts in tax rates bring prosperity.
Dr. Arthur Laffer, former economic advisor to President Reagan and commonly referred to as the father of supply-side economics sits down with Civitas to discuss how cuts in tax rates bring prosperity.
Whether the setting is Raleigh or Washington, the tax reform debate will inevitably come down to one Big Question: Are you willing to trade current tax preferences for lower marginal tax rates?
Whether the setting is Raleigh or Washington, the tax reform debate will inevitably come down to one Big Question: Are you willing to trade current tax preferences for lower marginal tax rates?
Low-information America and its enablers in the mainstream media are in a snit over Phil Mickelson's complaint about the amount of taxes he is being forced to pay as a U.S. citizen and a native-born resident of California.
Low-information America and its enablers in the mainstream media are in a snit over Phil Mickelson's complaint about the amount of taxes he is being forced to pay as a U.S. citizen and a native-born resident of California.
You would think we would have learned by now - but, alas, it doesn't seem so. Specifically, we have not learned to listen carefully to the Anointed One when he speaks and to carefully parse every word that he utters.
You would think we would have learned by now - but, alas, it doesn't seem so. Specifically, we have not learned to listen carefully to the Anointed One when he speaks and to carefully parse every word that he utters.
The world is full of imponderables. We have been treated over the last year or so to a seemingly unending diatribe about the need for the wealthy to pay their fair share of taxes (whatever that is).
The world is full of imponderables. We have been treated over the last year or so to a seemingly unending diatribe about the need for the wealthy to pay their fair share of taxes (whatever that is).
Politicians in Raleigh and DC, aided and abetted by our oft-clueless media, are railing about how the only way to fix our economic mess is to get the 'guv-mint' MO' revenue.
Politicians in Raleigh and DC, aided and abetted by our oft-clueless media, are railing about how the only way to fix our economic mess is to get the 'guv-mint' MO' revenue.
Don't count me among those who think President Obama and Congress will spend the next month locked in a death struggle over marginal income tax rates.
Don't count me among those who think President Obama and Congress will spend the next month locked in a death struggle over marginal income tax rates.
While the national Democratic ticket is enjoying a modest lift in the polls after the convention in Charlotte, the party's gubernatorial nominee, Walter Dalton, remains significantly behind Republican Pat McCrory.
While the national Democratic ticket is enjoying a modest lift in the polls after the convention in Charlotte, the party's gubernatorial nominee, Walter Dalton, remains significantly behind Republican Pat McCrory.
In March 2012, a new survey of the state line separating North and South Carolina resulted in 93 property owners being sent, as it were, into the other state.
In March 2012, a new survey of the state line separating North and South Carolina resulted in 93 property owners being sent, as it were, into the other state.
North Carolina taxpayers could be out almost $9 billion if the Bush-era tax rates and a patch for the Alternative Minimum Tax aren't extended, a report by the Tax Foundation says. Nationwide, the total tax relief is estimated to be $403 billion, or about 2.7 percent of the economy.
North Carolina taxpayers could be out almost $9 billion if the Bush-era tax rates and a patch for the Alternative Minimum Tax aren't extended, a report by the Tax Foundation says. Nationwide, the total tax relief is estimated to be $403 billion, or about 2.7 percent of the economy.
Legislative Democrats did not give the GOP high marks, citing a host of differences in philosophy and approach and that the new laws would result in ineffective or even harmful policies.
Legislative Democrats did not give the GOP high marks, citing a host of differences in philosophy and approach and that the new laws would result in ineffective or even harmful policies.
If North Carolina were a separate country, we would not fare well in key international comparisons of economic competitiveness.
If North Carolina were a separate country, we would not fare well in key international comparisons of economic competitiveness.
I don't understand all the fuss about the proposed Buffet Rule. I think it should be the guiding principle for government at all levels.
I don't understand all the fuss about the proposed Buffet Rule. I think it should be the guiding principle for government at all levels.
A new report on economic competitiveness from the American Legislative Economic Council shows North Carolina is ranked 23rd among the states on the 2012 ALEC-Laffer Economic Outlook Rankings.
A new report on economic competitiveness from the American Legislative Economic Council shows North Carolina is ranked 23rd among the states on the 2012 ALEC-Laffer Economic Outlook Rankings.
We hear that figures don't lie - but we all know (or should know) that liars figure. So be careful. In places like MN and IA it would seem that the so called "figuring" is really simply counting (or is it mis-counting??).
We hear that figures don't lie - but we all know (or should know) that liars figure. So be careful. In places like MN and IA it would seem that the so called "figuring" is really simply counting (or is it mis-counting??).
Despite the protestations of a wide ranging sample of Beaufort County citizens, "The Gang of Five" just increased your property taxes 6%.
Despite the protestations of a wide ranging sample of Beaufort County citizens, "The Gang of Five" just increased your property taxes 6%.
Having recently attended a Beaufort County Board of Commissioners meeting where county manager Paul Spruill presented the budget for the next fiscal year, I came away with more questions than answers.
Having recently attended a Beaufort County Board of Commissioners meeting where county manager Paul Spruill presented the budget for the next fiscal year, I came away with more questions than answers.
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